Hi, I’m Bethany - a creative, an educator, and a mother of 3. Coming from a family of artists, it's safe to say it's in my blood.
I spent my life studying art and education. I earned a Master's degree in Education and taught art for grades K-7. It didn't take long for me to realize that I had found what I was created to do. Life took me down a few rabbit holes - traveling and living abroad, designing curriculum, teaching art after school, having 3 children, and homeschooling. Each rabbit hole has been enhancing and enlightening in its own right...leading me here. I find myself having come full circle back to where my passions lie - creating with children.
Art Darling is a process-based home studio in Jacksonville, Fl. Process art focuses on the creative experience as opposed to the final product. It provides students with an environment to explore and create without being bound by the "rules" of a traditional art lesson. If you have a child that loves art or a child that you’d love to expose to more sensory and art experiences, come join us! Art Darling hosts art classes and toddler play groups in the heart of Riverside. Check in here or follow us on Facebook and Instagram @artdarlingjax to discover when the next opportunity to create will be.